Delhi rated most affordable city for students in India in QS Rankings: Checklist of other top 5 cities in Asia

Top Student Cities
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Students seeking an international education in Asia will be glad to know several prominent cities offer affordability and promising job prospects. This is according to the latest QS Top Student Cities Rankings.

Four Indian Cities Ranked Among Top 30 for Affordability

Four Indian metros – Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, and Chennai – have been recognized for their cost-effective living conditions for students. All four rank within the top 30 globally for affordability. This makes them attractive destinations for students seeking quality education without breaking the bank.

Strong Employer Activity Makes Indian Cities Appealing

Beyond affordability, all four Indian cities boast a strong job market for graduates. Each city is ranked in the top 100 globally for employer activity. This highlights the ample opportunities for graduates to find employment after completing their studies.

RankCityCountryOverall Score
1LondonUnited Kingdom100
3SeoulSouth Korea97.8

Top 5 Student Cities in Asia

While London retains the top spot globally, several Asian cities offer an exciting blend of affordability, cultural immersion, and academic excellence. 

  • Tokyo, Japan: A hub for technology, culture, and city life. Offers a unique blend of tradition and modernity. Top universities include the University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and Waseda University.
  • Seoul, South Korea: A dynamic city with a focus on education and innovation. Rich cultural experience with historical sites and K-pop culture. Top universities include Seoul National University, Korea University, and Yonsei University.
  • Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe Metropolitan Region, Japan: Offers a combination of historical charm, commercial vibrancy, and a port city atmosphere. Rich cultural and academic environment. Top universities include Kyoto University, Osaka University, and Kobe University.
  • Singapore: A global education hub with a high standard of living, diverse culture, and strategic location. World-class universities and a large international student community. Top universities include the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, and Singapore Management University.
  • Hong Kong SAR: A unique blend of Eastern and Western cultures, vibrant city life, and a robust financial sector. Highly regarded universities attract students worldwide. Top universities include the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
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