The Berkshire Hathaway Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Berkshire Hathaway AGM
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This year’s Berkshire Hathaway Annual General Meeting (AGM) was a bittersweet experience for many. While the investment wisdom of Warren Buffett continued to shine, the absence of his longtime partner Charlie Munger left a void.

  • For the first time, Charlie Munger wouldn’t be attending the Berkshire Hathaway AGM, marking a significant shift in the event’s dynamic.
  • The number of Chinese attendees seemed lower than usual, possibly due to travel restrictions.
  • A carefully crafted video paid homage to Munger‘s life and philosophies, highlighting his wit and wisdom. It was a touching moment for all.

Buffett Still Delivers

Despite the changes, the essence of the Berkshire Hathaway AGM remained. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Buffett reassured investors that he remains capable of making sound investment choices, even without Munger by his side.
  • The Importance of Self-Belief: Surrounding yourself with smart people is valuable, but believing in your judgment is crucial, according to Buffett.
  • While acknowledging the potential of Artificial Intelligence, Buffett expressed reservations about its potential downsides.

A particularly moving moment occurred when Buffett mistakenly referred to Greg Abel as “Charlie” while answering a question. This seemingly minor slip revealed Buffett’s genuine grief over Munger’s absence.

A young attendee’s question about spending the last day with Charlie prompted a profound response from Buffett. He advised the audience to cherish relationships and actively spend time with those they value.

While I missed the opportunity to witness Charlie Munger in person, Buffett’s captivating six-hour session reassured investors about the company’s future. The Berkshire Hathaway AGM‘s success serves as a testament to the enduring legacy of Buffett and Munger.