6 Investing Principles Followed by Warren Buffett

Invest Like a Legend

Value Investing

Buffett's core principle is value investing. He seeks stocks trading below their actual worth, based on future earnings potential. He buys stocks on sale, aiming for long-term growth.

Margin of Safety

Buffett buys stocks well below their estimated value (intrinsic value). This difference acts as a cushion (margin of safety) protecting him from price drops.

Long-Term Focus

Buffett prioritizes buying quality companies and holding them for years, ignoring market noise to gain from long-term growth.

Contrarian Investing

Buffett buys (greedy) when others fear a crash and avoid (fearful) buying during market highs.

Invest in Businesses You Understand

Buffett only invests in familiar businesses, avoiding complex ones. This lets him judge their value and growth potential.

Mr. Market

Buffett sees the market as “Mr. Market,” offering daily deals. Be disciplined and buy only when Mr. Market offers bargain prices.