Indian Railways Launches Affordable Meals for General Passengers

Indian Railways Affordable Meals
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Indian Railways is making travel more convenient for passengers in unreserved compartments with the launch of a new initiative offering budget-friendly meals and snacks.

  • More than 100 stations across the Indian Railways network now have dedicated meal counters.
  • Nearly 150 counters are operational, with plans for further expansion.
  • This program builds on the success of a pilot program implemented at 51 stations.

Addressing the Needs of General Class Passengers

Recognizing the challenge faced by general class passengers in finding affordable and hygienic food during travel, the Indian Railways, along with IRCTC, has launched a new initiative. This program specifically targets passengers in general compartments by setting up conveniently located meal counters near general second-class (GS) coaches on platforms. This aims to address a significant concern, especially during busy travel seasons.

Two Meal Choices Available

Passengers can choose between two options:

  • Economy meal priced at Rs. 20
  • Snack meal priced at Rs. 50

This variety caters to different dietary needs and budgets.

Passengers can directly purchase refreshments from these counters, eliminating the need to search for vendors outside the station premises.

The Indian Railways‘ new program offers a significant improvement for passengers in unreserved compartments. With easy access to affordable and hygienic meals, passengers can enjoy a more comfortable and convenient travel experience.

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