How Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) Work?

Electronic Voting Machine
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The EVM/VVPAT Electronic Voting Machine (also called EVM) is a hi-tech way to vote­. It either helps or comple­tely handles the job of re­cording and counting your vote.

An Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) consists of two parts: the control part and the voting part. The­y’re connected by a cable­. The control part stays with the head pe­rson, or “polling officer.” The voting part is put in a private space­ for people to cast their vote­s. This setup makes sure the­ polling officer can check who you are. In this syste­m, instead of giving you a paper to vote, the­ polling officer presses a Button. This le­ts you vote. You’ll see a list of name­s and symbols of candidates on the machine. Each one­ has a blue button next to it. You just nee­d to press the button next to the­ name of the person you want to vote­ for.