Investing in women today shapes a brighter tomorrow, declares VP

Investing in women
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Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar talked about how it’s very important to give power to women now and in the future. He said that having gender equality and letting women lead in making society better is crucial. The Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam is seen as a key step in changing old-fashioned ideas about men being more important.

The Vice President also mentioned how women are taking back their important place in society and how they play a big role in making development sustainable. He encouraged women who started their businesses to help the country’s economy grow. He praised recent efforts like giving women a permanent role in the Armed Forces. The Vice President highlighted how women being financially strong is vital for the country’s progress.

This speech was given at the 40th anniversary event of the FICCI Ladies Organisation. Sudha Shivkumar, the National President of FLO, was there too.