Dukan Diet: Fad or Sustainable Weight Loss Option?

Dukan Diet
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The Dukan Diet, popularized by celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, promises rapid weight loss with its high-protein, low-carb approach. But is it truly effective and safe? What is the science behind this fad diet?

What is the Dukan Diet?

Divided into four phases, the Dukan Diet starts with an “Attack Phase” focusing solely on protein-rich foods. This is followed by the “Cruise Phase” where vegetables are gradually reintroduced. Subsequent phases allow for measured reintegration of carbohydrates and fats.

A 2021 study suggests the Dukan Diet may lead to initial weight loss due to reduced calorie intake. However, experts warn about potential health risks.

Health Concerns

Dr. G. Sushma, a clinical dietitian, cautions that the restrictive nature of the diet can lead to nutritional deficiencies. It may also not be suitable for pregnant women, those with kidney problems, or those with cardiovascular issues.

While some might see success initially, the Dukan Diet‘s long-term sustainability is questionable. Dr. Sushma highlights the difficulty of adhering to such restrictive plans, potentially leading to yo-yo dieting.

Dr. Sushma clarifies that the Dukan Diet isn’t a starvation diet but acknowledges the feeling of deprivation it can cause due to limitations on certain food groups.

Dukan Diet and Kidney Concerns

There’s limited evidence linking high-protein diets to kidney problems in healthy individuals. However, Dr. Sushma advises caution for those with pre-existing kidney issues.

The Dukan Diet may offer initial weight loss, but its restrictive nature raises concerns about safety and sustainability. Consulting a healthcare professional before starting any new diet is essential, especially for those with underlying health conditions.

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