Top MBA Colleges of India in 2025 – See Ranking, Fees, Placements, Courses, and More

Top MBA Colleges in India 2025
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Have you ever dreamed of becoming a future business leader? MBA can be the gateway to achieving your goals. There is a vast network of MBA colleges in India.  There are over 100 top MBA colleges in India, with a mix of government, private, and public-private institutions. Top B-school colleges like IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Bangalore are consistently ranked high. CAT, XAT, and CMAT are the entrance exams that open the doors to these prestigious colleges.

Beyond the rankings, consider the type of college that best fits you. Public colleges offer budget-friendly options. While private institutions often specialize in specific areas such as business management or human resource development.

No matter your choice, a top MBA college equips you with the skills and knowledge to achieve excellence. These institutes go beyond academics and provide strong industry connections that translate into high-paying placements. Imagine working for top companies like Amazon or Deloitte after graduation!

According to an ASSOCHAM report, only 7% of MBA graduates from average business schools get good jobs immediately after graduation. This statistic highlights the importance of choosing the right institution.

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Top MBA Colleges in India 2024

Ranking of Top MBA Colleges in India in 2024-25

RankingBusiness School NameScore (Out of 1000)
1IIM Ahmedabad-Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad937.24
2FMS-Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi933.39
3IIM Calcutta-Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata931.20
4IIM Bangalore-Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bengaluru925.89
5IIM Kozhikode-Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode921.88
6IIM Lucknow-Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow915.04
7IIFT Delhi-Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi909.70
8XLRI-Xavier Labour Relations Institute, Jamshedpur904.32
9IIM Mumbai-Indian Institute of Management, Mumbai (Formerly, NITIE, Mumbai)904.32
10MDI-Management Development Institute, Gurgaon903.86
11IIM Indore-Indian Institute of Management, Indore901.73
12SPJIMR-S P Jain Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai901.73
13IIT Bombay-Shailesh J Mehta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai900.35
14SIBM-Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune897.90
15IIM Raipur-Indian Institute of Management, Raipur897.90
16SCMHRD-Symbiosis Centre For Management & Human Resource Development, Pune895.33
17IIT Kharagpur-Vinod Gupta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur894.07
18XIMB-Xavier Institute of Management, XIM University, Bhubaneswar894.07
19NMIMS School of Business Management, Mumbai889.79
20TAXILA Business School, Jaipur889.70
21IMI-International Management Institute, New Delhi889.70
22IIT Delhi-Dept. of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi889.70
23MICA, Ahmedabad884.92
24IIM Udaipur-Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur884.78
25IMT-Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad884.78
26TAPMI-T A Pai Management Institute, Manipal881.90
27Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai881.90
28FORE School of Management, New Delhi880.32
29IIM Ranchi-Indian Institute of Management, Ranchi880.32
30Woxsen University (Woxsen School of Business), Hyderabad879.45
31GIM-Goa Institute of Management, Goa876.89
32IIM Rohtak-Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak876.89
33IIT Madras-Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai875.20
34IIT Kharagpur-MHRM Department of Humanities and Social Science, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur874.00
35Dr. D. Y. Patil B-School, Pune874.00
36JBIMS-Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai870.84
37N. L. Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai870.84
38IBS-ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad870.54
39RCBS-Rajagiri Centre For Business Studies, Kochi870.54
40NIRMA University, (Institute of Management) Ahmedabad866.54
41UBS-University Business School, Panjab University, Chandigarh866.54
42IMI- International Management Institute, Bhubaneswar866.18
43IIM Nagpur-Indian Institute of Management, Nagpur866.14
44IMT- Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur866.14
45K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management, Somaiya Vidyavihar University Mumbai862.64
46SCIT-Symbiosis Centre For Information Technology, Pune862.64
47BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, Department of Management, Pilani861.72
48IIT Roorkee-Dept. of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee861.40
49GBSRC- Global Business School & Research Centre, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune857.59
50LBSIM-Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, New Delhi856.49
51IIM Tiruchirappalli-Indian Institute of Management, Tiruchirappalli856.49
52IIM Visakhapatnam-Indian Institute of Management, Visakhapatnam852.84
53JSSCMS- JSS Centre For Management Studies, JSS Science & Technology University, Mysuru852.82
54IRMA-Institute of Rural Management Anand, Anand852.82
55SIMSREE Mumbai-Sydenham Institute of Management Studies, Research And Entrepreneurship Education, Mumbai852.44
56IMI-International Management Institute, Kolkata852.44
57BHU-Institute of Management Studies, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi849.58
58BIMTECH-Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater Noida848.14
59DBE-DU-Department of Business Economics, University of Delhi, New Delhi848.14
60Chitkara Business School, Rajpura-Patiala848.00
61IIM Kashipur-Indian Institute of Management, Kashipur847.71
62IIT-ISM Dhanbad-Dept. of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Dhanbad847.71
63LIBA-Loyola Institute of Business Administration, Chennai842.56
64SIOM-Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management, Nashik841.20
65IIM Shillong-Indian Institute of Management, Shillong841.20
66VITBS- VIT Business School, VIT Vellore840.72
67IIM Jammu-Indian Institute of Management, Jammu840.72
68AMITY Business School, Noida835.76
69NBS-Narayana Business School, Ahmedabad835.76
70Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore835.32
71SSIM-Siva Sivani Institute of Management, Hyderabad835.32
72MYRA School of Business, Mysuru834.50
73MSRIM- M S Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bengaluru829.70
74IIM Bodh Gaya-Indian Institute of Management, Bodh Gaya829.70
75IIM Amritsar-Indian Institute of Management, Amritsar829.30
76IIMS-International Institute of Management Studies, Hinjawadi Campus, Pune829.30
77NIT Tiruchirapalli-National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirapalli827.53
78ABV-IIITM Gwalior-Atal Bihari Vajpayee-Indian Institute of Information Technology And Management, Gwalior822.56
79AMU-Faculty of Management Studies & Research, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh820.46
80Jaipuria Institute of Management (JIM), Noida820.46
81IIM Sambalpur-Indian Institute of Management, Sambalpur820.16
82SSBF- Symbiosis School of Banking & Finance, Pune820.16
83SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Bengaluru819.50
84NTPC School of Business, Noida815.26
85IIM Sirmaur-Indian Institute of Management, Sirmaur815.26
87IMS Ghaziabad-Institute of Management Studies, Ghaziabad815.23
87JMI-Centre for Management Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi815.06
88Globsyn Business School, Kolkata815.06
89Chandigarh University, (University School of Business), Mohali810.11
90BML Munjal University (School of Management), Gurugram810.11
91RVIM-RV Institute of Management, Bengaluru809.92
92NIBM-National Institute of Bank Management, Pune809.74
93BVIMR-Bharati Vidyapeeth University/Institute of Management & Research, New Delhi809.74
94PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore807.44
95LPU-Lovely Professional University (Mittal School of Business), Jalandhar804.56
96OPJU- O P Jindal University, Raigarh804.36
97MANAGE-National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management, Hyderabad804.36
98ADAMAS University (School of Business & Economics), Kolkata799.08
99SIMS-Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune799.08
100IIFM Bhopal-Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal794.66
101DSU-Dayananda Sagar University (School of Commerce & Management Studies), Bengaluru792.16
102PIMR-Prestige Institute of Management & Research, Indore792.16
103SIBM-Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Hyderabad787.01
104JGBS-Jindal Global Business School, Sonipat784.78
105Faculty of Management Studies, M S University, Vadodara784.78
106JIMS Rohini-Jagan Institute of Management Studies, Rohini, New Delhi784.54
107SOIL Institute of Management, Gurugram784.54
108IIEBM-Indus Business School, Pune783.78
109School of Maritime Management, Indian Maritime University, Chennai783.78
110ICFAI University, Dehradun (ICFAI Business School)783.28
111MSRUAS-Faculty of Management & Commerce, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bengaluru783.28
112SDM PG Centre For Management Studies & Research, Mangaluru778.09
113Suryadatta Institute of Management & Mass Communication, Pune778.09
114KSOM-KIIT School of Management, Bhubaneswar777.66
115UPES, Dehradun (School of Business)777.66
116ICFAI University, Jaipur (ICFAI Business School)777.27
117IISWBM-Indian Institute of Social Welfare & Business Management, Kolkata771.53
118Bennett University (School of Management), Greater Noida770.28
119XIME-Xavier Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship, Bengaluru770.28
120CHRIST University (Institute of Management), Bengaluru768.98
121ARMY Institute of Management, Kolkata768.98
122Brainware University (School of Management & Commerce), Kolkata764.95
123XISS-Xavier Institute of Social Services, Ranchi764.76
124S. B. Patil Institute of Management, Pune764.76
125Sangam University, School of Management Studies (SOMS), Bhilwara760.47
126Master School of Management, Meerut757.40
127AIMT-ARMY Institute of Management Technology, Greater Noida757.40
128IMED-Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship Development, Pune756.92
129Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education & Research (Faculty of Management Sciences), Chennai756.92
130IBS Mumbai-ICFAI Business School, Mumbai756.59
131J K Business School, Gurugram753.22
132AIMS Institutes, Bengaluru751.04
133ICFAI University, Sikkim751.04
134Presidency University (School of Management), Bengaluru750.41
135SIBMT- Suryadatta Institute of Business Management & Technology, Pune747.37
136GITAM School of Business, GITAM, Visakhapatnam747.37
137JIM-Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur745.76
138VVCE-Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Department of Management, Mysuru745.76
139JIM-Jaipuria Institute of Management, Ghaziabad745.74
140CIMP-Chandragupt Institute of Management, Patna745.74
141ABBS School of Management, Bengaluru743.61
142Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research, Mumbai743.61
143SCMS Cochin School of Business, Kochi743.28
144Avantika University (School of Management), Ujjain743.15
145XLRI-Xavier Labour Relations Institute, Jamshedpur743.15
146MDI-Management Development Institute, Gurgaon741.89
147SPJIMR-S P Jain Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai741.89
148SIBM-Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune741.44
149SCMHRD-Symbiosis Centre For Management & Human Resource Development, Pune741.44
150XIMB-Xavier Institute of Management, XIM University, Bhubaneswar738.70
151NMIMS School of Business Management, Mumbai738.70
152IMI-International Management Institute, New Delhi737.66
153MICA, Ahmedabad737.59
154IMT-Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad737.59
155TAPMI-T A Pai Management Institute, Manipal735.60
156Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai735.60
157FORE School of Management, New Delhi734.69
158Woxsen University (Woxsen School of Business), Hyderabad734.53
159GIM-Goa Institute of Management, Goa734.53
160Dr. D. Y. Patil B-School, Pune733.53
161N. L. Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai733.53
162IBS-ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad733.18
163RCBS-Rajagiri Centre For Business Studies, Kochi733.18
164NIRMA University, (Institute of Management) Ahmedabad732.12
165IMI- International Management Institute, Bhubaneswar732.12
166IMT- Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur730.62
167K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management, Somaiya Vidyavihar University Mumbai729.64
168SCIT-Symbiosis Centre For Information Technology, Pune729.64
169BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, Department of Management, Pilani727.56
170GBSRC- Global Business School & Research Centre, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune727.56
171LBSIM-Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, New Delhi727.28
172JSSCMS- JSS Centre For Management Studies, JSS Science & Technology University, Mysuru727.28
173IRMA-Institute of Rural Management Anand, Anand726.04
174IMI-International Management Institute, Kolkata725.86
176BIMTECH-Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater Noida723.56
177Chitkara Business School, Rajpura-Patiala723.56
178LIBA-Loyola Institute of Business Administration, Chennai723.11
179SIOM-Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management, Nashik723.11
180VITBS- VIT Business School, VIT Vellore721.02
181AMITY Business School, Noida721.02
182NBS-Narayana Business School, Ahmedabad720.59
183Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore720.59
184SSIM-Siva Sivani Institute of Management, Hyderabad716.65
185MYRA School of Business, Mysuru716.65
186MSRIM- M S Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bengaluru716.32
187IIMS-International Institute of Management Studies, Hinjawadi Campus, Pune716.32
188Jaipuria Institute of Management (JIM), Noida714.52
189SSBF- Symbiosis School of Banking & Finance, Pune714.52
190SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Bengaluru714.04
191IMS Ghaziabad-Institute of Management Studies, Ghaziabad714.04
192Globsyn Business School, Kolkata711.31
193Chandigarh University, (University School of Business), Mohali711.31
194BML Munjal University (School of Management), Gurugram710.81
195RVIM-RV Institute of Management, Bengaluru710.81
196BVIMR-Bharati Vidyapeeth University/Institute of Management & Research, New Delhi709.58
197PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore709.09
198LPU-Lovely Professional University (Mittal School of Business), Jalandhar705.08
199OPJU- O P Jindal University, Raigarh704.62
200ADAMAS University (School of Business & Economics), Kolkata702.40
201SIMS-Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune701.94
202DSU-Dayananda Sagar University (School of Commerce & Management Studies), Bengaluru700.52
203PIMR-Prestige Institute of Management & Research, Indore700.16
204SIBM-Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Hyderabad694.66
205JGBS-Jindal Global Business School, Sonipat694.21
206JIMS Rohini-Jagan Institute of Management Studies, Rohini, New Delhi689.83
207SOIL Institute of Management, Gurugram689.34
208IIEBM-Indus Business School, Pune686.26
209ICFAI University, Dehradun (ICFAI Business School)685.77
210MSRUAS-Faculty of Management & Commerce, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bengaluru683.87
211SDM PG Centre For Management Studies & Research, Mangaluru683.37
212Suryadatta Institute of Management & Mass Communication, Pune680.09
213KSOM-KIIT School of Management, Bhubaneswar679.87
214UPES, Dehradun (School of Business)678.39
215ICFAI University, Jaipur (ICFAI Business School)677.95
216IISWBM-Indian Institute of Social Welfare & Business Management, Kolkata676.93
217Bennett University (School of Management), Greater Noida673.78
218XIME-Xavier Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship, Bengaluru671.77
219CHRIST University (Institute of Management), Bengaluru666.99

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Fee Structure for Top Business Schools in India

The cost of an MBA degree varies significantly depending on the kind of B-school. These costs often increase by 5-7 percent annually. However, many management schools provide reasonable placement rates at affordable costs. Most colleges are FMS Delhi, UBS Chandigarh, and SIMSREE Mumbai.

The IIM fee schedule can range from 14 to 25 (INR) LPA. Other prestigious Top 10–20 MBA colleges in India in 2025 charge between Rs 14 lakhs and Rs 25+ lakhs for educational institutions. Here we are if you’re anxious to learn about the complete cost structure of the top B colleges in India. View a detailed list of Top MBA colleges in India 2025 fees here

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RankingCollege NameFee Structure
1IIM Ahmedabad33 Lakh
2FMS-Faculty of Management Studies2 Lakh
3IIM Calcutta31 Lakh
4IIM Bangalore24.50 Lakh
5IIM Kozhikode22.50 Lakh
6IIM Lucknow20.30 Lakh
7IIFT Delhi (Indian Institute of Foreign Trade)21.15 Lakh
8IIM Mumbai21 Lakh
9IIM Indore11.04 Lakh
10IIT Bombay21.10 Lakh
11IIM Raipur18.00 Lakh
12IIT Kharagpur(Vinod Gupta School of Management)43.37 Lakh
13IIT Delhi12 Lakh
14IIM Udaipur21.43 Lakh
15IIM Ranchi17.50 Lakh
16IIM Rohtak17.29 Lakh
17IIM Madras1.96 Lakh
18IIT Kharagpur(MHRM Department of Humanities and Social Science)12.50 Lakh
19JBIMS(Jamnala Bajaj Institute of Management Studies)06.10 Lakh
20UBS(University Business School)46 Thousand
21IIM Nagpur18.90 Lakh
22IIT Roorkee-Dept. of Management Studies08.52 Lakh
23IIM Tiruchirappalli19.50 Lakh
24IIM Visakhapatnam17.82 Lakh
25SIMSREE (Sydenham Institute of Management Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship Education)67 Thousand
26BHU-Institute of Management Studies50 Thousand
27Taxila Business School10 Lakh
28DBE-DU-Department of Business Economics97 Thousand
29IIM Kashipur17.30 Lakh
30IIT-ISM Dhanbad-Dept. of Management Studies3.00 Lakh
31IIM Shillong22.71 Lakh
32IIM Jammu18.55 Lakh
33IIM Bodh Gaya16.28 Lakh
34IIM Amritsar14.78 Lakh
35NIT Tiruchirappalli2.70 Lakh
36ABV-IIITM Gwalior2.26 Lakh
37AMU-Faculty of Management Studies & Research5.87 Lakh
38IIM Sambalpur13.15 Lakh
39NTPC School of Business16.00 Lakh
40IIM Sirmaur17.50 Lakh
41JMI-Centre for Management Studies47 Thousand
42NIBM-National Institute of Bank Management16.00 Lakh
43MANAGE(National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management)8.50 Lakh
44IIFM Bhopal11.80 Lakh
45Faculty of Management Studies(Vadodara)82 Thousand
46School of Maritime Management(IMU)4.10 Lakh

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Average Placements of Top MBA Colleges of India in 2024

S.NoCollege NameAverage Packages
1IIM AhmedabadRs 35.68 LPA
2FMS-Faculty of Management StudiesRs 34.01 LPA
3IIM CalcuttaRs 35.07 LPA
4IIM BangaloreRs 35.31 LPA
5IIM KozhikodeRs 31.02 LPA
6IIM LucknowRs 32.23 LPA
7IIFT Delhi (Indian Institute of Foreign Trade)Rs 29.01 LPA
8IIM MumbaiRs 25.40 LPA
9IIM IndoreRs 30.21 LPA
10IIT BombayRS 28.88 LPA
11IIM RaipurRs 21.04 LPA
12IIT Kharagpur (Vinod Gupta School of Management)RS 22.13 LPA
13IIT DelhiRs 24.45 LPA
14IIM UdaipurRs 20.09 LPA
15IIM RanchiRs 17.50 LPA
16IIM RohtakRs 18.73 LPA
17IIM MadrasRs 20.19 LPA
18IIT Kharagpur(MHRM Department of Humanities and Social Science)Rs 15.40 LPA
19JBIMS(Jamnala Bajaj Institute of Management Studies)RS 28.02 LPA
20UBS(University Business School)Rs 13.67 LPA
21IIM NagpurRs 16.74 LPA
22IIT Roorkee-Dept. of Management StudiesRs 18.34 LPA
23IIM TiruchirappalliRs 20.55 LPA
24IIM VisakhapatnamRs 16.61 LPA
25SIMSREE (Sydenham Institute of Management Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship Education)Rs 15.19 LPA
26BHU-Institute of Management StudiesRS 9.7 LPA
27Taxila Business SchoolRS 12.5 LPA
28DBE-DU-Department of Business EconomicsRS 17.10 LPA
29IIM KashipurRs 18.10 LPA
30IIT-ISM Dhanbad-Dept. of Management StudiesRS 16.45 LPA
31IIM ShillongRs 18.76 LPA
32IIM JammuRS 16.50 LPA
33IIM Bodh GayaRs 15.68 LPA
34IIM AmritsarRs 16.51 LPA
35NIT TiruchirappalliRs 7.50 LPA
36ABV-IIITM GwaliorRS 18.5 LPA
37AMU-Faculty of Management Studies & ResearchRS 14 LPA
38IIM SambalpurRS  16.63 LPA
39NTPC School of BusinessRS 12 LPA
40IIM SirmaurRs 14.45 LPA
41JMI-Centre for Management StudiesINR 9 LPA
42NIBM-National Institute of Bank ManagementRS 15.22 LPA
43MANAGE(National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management)RS 12.33 LPA
44IIFM BhopalRS 10 LPA
45Faculty of Management Studies (Vadodara)Rs 5 LPA
46School of Maritime Management(IMU)Rs 5 LPA

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Top 25 Private MBA Colleges in India in 2025

Based on ownership, MBA programs, and management schools in India are divided into two groups: government-owned and private. Recently, private schools have experienced extraordinary growth, overtaking even some of India’s prestigious management colleges. The private institute is introducing innovative techniques and upgrading the standard. Although admissions to these colleges are less difficult than those of government MBA schools, placements, costs, and facilities are equivalent. The top 25 MBA colleges / PGDM programs in India for 2025 are listed here.

Ranking of Top Private MBA Colleges in India in 2025

RankingsMBA Colleges (Private)StateOverall Index Score
1XLRI-Xavier Labour Relations Institute, Jamshedpur  Jharkhand904.32
2MDI-Management Development Institute, Gurgaon  Haryana901.73
3SPJIMR-S P Jain Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai  Maharashtra897.9
4SIBM-Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune  Maharashtra894.07
5SCMHRD-Symbiosis Centre For Management and Human Resource Development, Pune  Maharashtra889.7
6XIMB-Xavier Institute of Management, XIM University, Bhubaneswar  Odisha884.78
7NMIMS School of Business Management, Mumbai  Maharashtra881.9
8IMI-International Management Institute, New Delhi  Delhi880.32
9MICA, Ahmedabad  Gujarat876.89
10IMT-Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad  Uttar Pradesh874
11TAPMI-T A Pai Management Institute, Manipal  Karnataka870.84
11Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai  Tamil Nadu870.54
12FORE School of Management, New Delhi  Delhi866.54
12Woxsen University (Woxsen School of Business), Hyderabad  Telangana866.14
13GIM-Goa Institute of Management, Goa  Goa862.64
14Dr. D. Y. Patil B-School, Pune  Maharashtra856.49
15N. L. Dalmia Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai  Maharashtra852.82
15IBS-ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad  Telangana852.44
16RCBS-Rajagiri Centre For Business Studies, Kochi  Kerala849.58
17NIRMA University, (Institute of Management) Ahmedabad  Gujarat848.14
17IMI- International Management Institute, Bhubaneswar  Odisha847.71
18IMT- Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur  Maharashtra841.2
18K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management, Somaiya Vidyavihar University MumbaiMaharashtra840.72
19SCIT-Symbiosis Centre For Information Technology, Pune  Maharashtra835.76
19BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, Department of Management, Pilani  Rajasthan835.32
20GBSRC- Global Business School & Research Centre, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune  Maharashtra829.7
20LBSIM-Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, New Delhi  Delhi829.3
21JSSCMS- JSS Centre For Management Studies, JSS Science & Technology University, Mysuru  Karnataka820.46
21IRMA-Institute of Rural Management Anand, Anand  Gujarat820.16
22IMI-International Management Institute, Kolkata  West Bengal815.26
22TAXILA Business School, JaipurRajasthan815.06
23BIMTECH-Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater Noida  Uttar Pradesh810.11
24Chitkara Business School, Rajpura-Patiala  Punjab809.74
25LIBA-Loyola Institute of Business Administration, Chennai  Tamil Nadu804.36

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25 Best Government MBA Colleges of India in 2025

RankingsMBA Colleges (Government)Overall Index Score
1IIM Ahmedabad-Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad  937.24
2FMS-Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi  933.39
3IIM Calcutta-Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, Kolkata  931.2
4IIM Bangalore-Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bengaluru  925.89
5IIM Kozhikode-Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode  921.88
6IIM Lucknow-Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow  915.04
7IIFT Delhi-Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi  909.7
8IIM Mumbai-Indian Institute of Management, Mumbai (Formerly, NITIE, Mumbai)  903.86
9IIM Indore-Indian Institute of Management, Indore  900.35
10IIT Bombay-Shailesh J Mehta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai  895.33
11IIM Raipur-Indian Institute of Management, Raipur  889.79
12IIT Kharagpur-Vinod Gupta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur  884.92
13IIT Delhi-Dept. of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi  879.45
14IIM Udaipur-Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur  875.2
15IIM Ranchi-Indian Institute of Management, Ranchi  866.18
16IIM Rohtak-Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak  861.72
17IIT Madras-Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai  861.4
18IIT Kharagpur-MHRM Department of Humanities and Social Science, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur  857.59
19JBIMS-Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai  852.84
20UBS-University Business School, Panjab University, Chandigarh  848
21IIM Nagpur-Indian Institute of Management, Nagpur  842.56
22IIT Roorkee-Dept. of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee  834.5
23IIM Tiruchirappalli-Indian Institute of Management, Tiruchirappalli  827.53
24IIM Visakhapatnam-Indian Institute of Management, Visakhapatnam  822.56
25SIMSREE Mumbai-Sydenham Institute of Management Studies, Research And Entrepreneurship Education, Mumbai  819.5

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This is a comprehensive guide to the Top MBA colleges in India for 2025. It covers the following:

  • Importance of MBA and choosing the right college
  • Ranking of Top MBA Colleges in India in 2025 with scores (out of 1000)
  • Factors to consider while choosing a college (public vs private, specialization)
  • Ranking system
  • Details on IIMs and other prestigious institutes
  • Fee Structure of the Top MBA Colleges in India 2025
  • IIM Ahmedabad is ranked number 1 while FMS Delhi holds the second position.
  • Government colleges offer budget-friendly options.
  • Private institutions often specialize in specific areas.
  • The cost of an MBA can vary significantly depending on the B-school.

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Which are the top colleges for MBA in India in 2025?

The best MBA schools in India for 2025:

  • Government schools: IIM Ahmedabad, Faculty of Management Studies at Delhi University, IIM Calcutta, IIM Bangalore, and IIM Kozhikode are all considered top choices.
  • Private schools: Some highly ranked private schools include XLRI Jamshedpur, MDI Gurgaon, SP Jain Mumbai, SIBM Pune, and SCMHRD Pune (according to the IIRF rankings for 2025).

Top 10 MBA Colleges in India 2025

RankCollege NameLocationFees
1IIM AhmedabadAhmedabad₹21,07,000
2IIM BangaloreBangalore₹21,07,000
3IIM CalcuttaKolkata₹21,07,000
4IIM KozhikodeKozhikode₹21,07,000
5XLRI JamshedpurJamshedpur₹20,86,670
6MDI GurgaonGurgaon₹20,86,670
7FMS DelhiDelhi₹1,92,000
8IIFT DelhiDelhi₹18,25,000
9NITIE MumbaiMumbai₹21,00,000
10ISB HyderabadHyderabad₹22,50,000

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Is the NIRF ranking 2024 released?

The list of top colleges in India (NIRF ranking) for 2024 is out. The NIRF ranking includes rankings for different fields like engineering, medicine, and business.

Which are the top specializations offered by the top MBA colleges in India?

The top specializations offered by the top MBA colleges in India

Top SpecialisationsNumber of Colleges
Sales & Marketing60
Human Resources57
IT & Systems28

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 What are the job profiles offered after completing an MBA in India?

After completing an MBA in India, you’ll have many job options. Here are some of the most popular career paths, along with their average yearly salary (in lakhs per annum – LPA):

MBA Job ProfilesAnnual Average Package (LPA)
Finance Manager17.5
Marketing Manager12.8
Sales Manager6.6
Human Resources Manager12.2
Operations Manager10.8