CBSE Launches Free Virtual Career Development Workshops For Students, Educators & Parents

CBSE Virtual Career Development Workshops
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The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced a series of virtual workshops aimed at enhancing career development for students, educators, and parents. These workshops aim to provide support in making informed decisions regarding future career paths. 

This series of virtual workshops aims to guide participants in making informed decisions about their educational and professional futures.

  • School Leaders (July 3rd): Gain insights on implementing effective career counseling programs within your school.
  • Teachers (July 10th): Learn innovative strategies to integrate career guidance into your curriculum.
  • School Counselors (July 18th): Enhance your counseling skills to better support students navigating career choices.
  • Parents (July 24th): Understand how to empower yourselves to guide your children through career exploration.
  • Students (July 29th): Develop self-reflection skills to identify your strengths and interests for effective career planning.

All sessions will be held from 3 pm to 5 pm IST. Can’t attend live? No worries! Recordings will be available on the official CBSE YouTube channel for later viewing. Principals, teachers, and counselors who attend live and submit session feedback can even earn a certificate of participation.

This initiative by CBSE highlights the growing importance of career planning in today’s job market. By equipping students, educators, and parents with the right tools and knowledge, CBSE empowers individuals to make informed career choices and pave the way for a successful future.

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