The Maharashtra government’s ‘Ladki Bahin’ Yojana (‘Majhi Ladki Bahin’), scheme has received a wonderful response. The objective of this program is to empower women. Under this scheme, eligible women receive a monthly stipend of Rs 1,500, which can lead to significant growth in their finances. However, the implementation of the scheme has been marred by technical glitches, particularly slow government servers, which have caused frustration among beneficiaries.
Several women in the state have received Rs 3,000 for two months directly in their bank accounts recently. Many women who have applied for the scheme have encountered delays in receiving their benefits due to slow government servers. The online application process requires beneficiaries to upload necessary documents, but the website often experiences technical difficulties, delaying the timely submission of forms. This has led to significant inconvenience for women, especially those who are not tech-savvy and depend on others for assistance.
Challenges Faced by Beneficiaries
- Many women are unfamiliar with using computers or smartphones, making it difficult for them to navigate the online application process.
- The government website frequently experiences slow loading times, leading to delays in form submission and processing.
- Mismatches between Aadhaar card details and bank account information can further complicate the process.
The Maharashtra government has made efforts to assist beneficiaries in the application process, including providing assistance at Anganwadi centers. However, the slow server speeds and technical challenges have limited their ability to effectively support all applicants.
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